Mad Men’s Social Media Lesson (Warning- Spoilers)

Posted: July 28, 2010 in Mad Men
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After watching the first episode of Season 4 of Mad Men, and reading this article, I get more amused of the power of social media. Don’s lack of charisma during an interview makes the agency lose one of their key clients, and Peggy increases the sales of one of their clients by using a story as publicity stunt (a published story of two women fighting for the last piece of ham). The two of them show how social media works in positive and negative ways.

Don was very closed and unapproachable during the interview and this hurt the agency. He was representing the company and didn’t do anything to stand out from the other agencies. This is something that is crucial when using social media, and it explains why celebrities get so many people following them on Twitter and “Liking” their Facebook profiles. They connect with their audience in an unique way, which is interesting enough to make others talk about it.

That is exactly what happened with Peggy’s publicity stunt. She created a story that was so fantastic and unbelievable that other newspapers picked it up and sales increased. Then she came up with the slogan “Our hams are worth fighting for.” Her idea, even though is very unethical, is an example of what people want. Something so catchy and fresh that makes people talk about it. It has to be catchy.

Also, you have to remember a shared links have more chances to stay longer than a status update. This guy says that you need to create something that spreads fast. If you are a company or an organization, you need to look at your SWOT analysis and compare your strengths with the competition’s weaknesses to know what exactly is going to make you stand out.

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